Our History
ICAA is the provincial affiliate of the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (CAP). Founded in 1971 as a National body, CAP represents the voice of urban and rural non-status, status, Métis, and Southern Inuit Indigenous peoples.
Recognized as the provincial affiliate organization for the Congress of Aboriginal People, ICAA has been working to build a community in Alberta to ensure that the voice of non-affiliated Indigenous people is heard at all levels. Failure to recognize all Indigenous people as rights-bearing, the need for increased fiduciary support for non-status and urban Indigenous people, and the integration of culturally recognized best practices in all direct services are but some of the issues that ICAA has undertaken to address.
Advocating for the resolution of shared grievances common to Indigenous people within the province, the Indigenous Congress of Alberta has been working to develop forums for dialog and to facilitate possible negotiations over issues that impact off-reserve Indigenous peoples. Key to our success is the collaboration and partnerships we build with Indigenous community members, organizations, and leaders that share in our mission to enhance the quality of life for all Indigenous people of Alberta. ICAA is one of ten provincial territorial organizations (PTOs) recognized by the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (CAP) and the Government of Canada.
Together, as PTO our purpose is to advocate for equitable representation for all Indigenous Peoples across Canada. The following are those that also serve as provincial and/or territorial affiliates within CAP:
Both CAP and the ICAA share a common interest in advocating for and representing all urban Indigenous peoples regardless of status under the Indian Act. The ICAA Board President sits as a member of the National Board of Directors representing the ICAA within the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples. For more information on the Congress of Aboriginal People visit their website here. Feel free to watch CAP’s 50th Year Video.
Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (CAP) 50th Year Celebration