To empower urban and rural First Nation, Métis, and Inuit inherent rights holders by fostering meaningful connections across Alberta.
“We need language revitalization, an overhaul in the criminal justice system and healing. We need unity. Resources are needed for Indigenous Peoples living off-reserve and with the ICAA, we are able to speak for them and offer support and advocacy.”
— Justice Tourangeau, National Youth Council Steering Committee member

(how our organization will achieve its vision)
Our mission is to foster holistic well-being—emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual—among our members, while actively advocating for their rights throughout Alberta.
(to carry out its mission, the ICAA has identified the following)
To create a voice for Alberta within the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples and within all levels of municipal, provincial and federal governments.
To advocate for equitable recognition of rights and access to culturally relevant programs and services within Alberta.
To ensure a reliable process in which to keep our members informed of issues that may directly affect and impact them.